Data protection

Last update: 20.11.2020

TeleGuard has an unambiguous company policy: strict observance of data protection and uncompromising protection of user privacy.

Our services and products protect privacy. We are aware that your privacy is of the utmost importance and take it seriously. Our TeleGuard guidelines for data protection ("Privacy policy") describe our guidelines and measures for the collection, use, publication and disclosure of your information, if you use TeleGuard. Swisscows AG is the data controller for your personal data, which is collected through the TeleGuard platform. This data protection policy applies to all activities and products of Swisscows AG and its partners and subsidiaries (combined to "TeleGuard", "we" or "us"). For clarification, personal data / information in this text refers to information that relates to an identified or identifiable person.

What do these guidelines cover?
This data protection declaration ("data protection") sets out the data protection declaration of Swisscows AG (hereinafter referred to as "Swisscows") and applies to users ("user" or "you") of Swisscows products, currently known as "TeleGuard" ("TeleGuard").

This declaration applies to all products and services that we offer across our entire website, and also applies to the website and your use of TeleGuard ("services"). This policy does not apply to third party websites, products or services, even if their website is linked to our website. Please always check a third party's privacy practices before deciding whether to submit information. By using our website or services, you accept the practices described in this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not visit or use our website or our services. Your continued use of our website or services means that you accept this policy.

What data do we collect?

IP addresses
IP address is NOT saved.

Data acquisition
We do not collect personal information from our visitors.

When using TeleGuard, your IP address is not recorded, nor do we record which browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.). It is not recorded which operating system you are using (Windows, Mac, Linux etc.), and your search queries are not recorded. The only information we store is the sum of the search queries entered daily on our website (a measure of the total traffic on our site), a breakdown of this traffic by language and pure overall statistics.

Our strict policy of not collecting any data protects your privacy. Your IP address and information about the browser and operating system could be used together with other data to clearly identify your computer, your place of residence and you. It is also important not to save any search terms, as these can also contain personal data. (Just think of someone who enters their own name and / or insurance number in the search box.)

Geo targeting
In order to protect your privacy, TeleGuard completely does without statistics and analyzes of our visitors. Since we do not collect any data from our visitors, we cannot determine your place of residence either. TeleGuard does not use geo targeting.

Cookies are small data packets that are stored on your computer's hard drive when you visit websites.

TeleGuard does not use cookies that could be used to identify the user.

Data collection regarding your user account ("personal data")
When registering and / or purchasing on our website, you will be asked to provide the email address and payment information that you voluntarily provide to us when ordering or subscribing to our services, as well as by filling out any contact form on the website. This information is collected to properly manage your account and / or order to provide you with our customer service and, if you choose, to send you our newsletter and occasional promotional offers. The above personal information is never associated with any type of activity performed by the user within TeleGuard that is NOT recorded, logged or stored at all.

How do we collect personal data?
Our website contains registration forms (e.g. during the payment process or during customer support and verification) that ask users to provide certain information, such as their email address, at their own discretion, as described in detail above. We use this information to create an account, provide customer support, send you news and updates, and promotional materials about our products or from our partners, if you requested. Under no circumstances will this information be passed on to third parties.

Users can unsubscribe from unwanted emails using the correspondingly marked option in the email or by contacting us directly via support at

Furthermore, no cookies or other analysis tools are used in the service TeleGuard. You remain anonymous in all of our services.

If you use TeleGuard products or website, we know absolutely nothing about the transmitted data such as the browsing history, the destination of the data traffic, the content of the data or preferences when searching. All of these things are NOT monitored, recorded, logged or stored by us.

In addition, when using TeleGuard: We do NOT collect logs about the connections. That means: We have NO logs about your IP address, the time stamp of the connection or the duration of the session. We do NOT have access to the payment information you have provided to us and we do NOT link your payment or other information to any online activity within TeleGuard.

Your rights and control:
Your main data protection rights in relation to your personal data that you leave or send to us are:

We offer you the opportunity to make certain decisions and controls in connection with our treatment of your personal data that you transfer to us. Depending on your relationship with us, these choices and controls may include access to the personal information we collect about you; correction, update or deletion of any information we have associated with you. If you would like to exclude yourself from the data collection or cannot exercise your rights via your account, please contact us at: support at If you make such a request, please note that we may need certain information from you to verify your identity and localize your data, and that the process of searching and deleting the data may take a reasonable amount of time and effort. Data protection and the associated laws in your legal system may grant you other or additional rights in connection with the data that we receive from you, which may also be applicable.

Service performance data and summarized connection statistics from TeleGuard
Through our consistent no-logs policy, we ensure that we do NOT track the data traffic carried out in the TeleGuard tunnel, e.g. browsing history, traffic destination, search settings, data content, IP addresses or DNS queries. Therefore:

TeleGuard is 100% committed to the no-logs policy and we do not save them. Logs can easily link actions to you, and therefore TeleGuard cannot publish such logs at any time since we do not collect logs.

Children's privacy
You assure and guarantee that you are at least 13 years old and legally authorized to use our service. If you are under the age of 18, please read the agreement with your parents or guardians. We do not use the service to knowingly solicit or market data from children under the age of thirteen (13). We request that such persons do not provide personal data via our services. If you are aware of this or if you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 13 has passed on information to us, please contact us at: support at

Update of the data protection declaration
If we make changes to our privacy policy at our sole discretion, those changes and updates will take effect immediately upon notification of the changed privacy policy. We therefore recommend that you regularly check this data protection declaration for updates so that you are fully informed about how your data is collected and used by the company and about your rights in this regard. The date of the last revision is shown in the heading "Last change". Your continued use of the services after notification of such changes represents your acceptance and consent to such changes to the privacy policy, and your consent to be bound by the terms of this amended statement.

If we make significant changes to this data protection declaration, we will inform you via the account or the website and will endeavor to notify you by email or by means of a notice on our website before the change takes effect.

Our data
These services are owned and operated by Swisscows AG.

You can contact us:

Data protection officer
If you have any questions about data protection, please send us an email or contact the person responsible for data protection in our organization directly:

Swisscows AG
Bucherstrasse 2
9322 Egnach
info at


Scaricando e installando questa app dall’APK, l’utente accetta la condizione di non sollevare reclami in caso di differenze nella funzionalità dell’app rispetto alle pagine di download ufficiali (Google Play e App Store). L’utente si assume altresì la totale responsabilità per la verifica della disponibilità e l’installazione degli aggiornamenti.

Si prega di notare che l'installazione da APK non è compatibile con l'installazione dal Play Store. Ciò significa che è possibile aggiornare l'applicazione solo dalla stessa origine da cui è stata installata.

Inoltre, quando si aggiorna L'applicazione tramite APK, si consiglia vivamente di eseguire il backup. In caso di problemi, si sarà in grado di reinstallare l'applicazione e ripristinare i dati.

il file APK


A partire dal 2024, gli sviluppatori dovranno pagare ancora di più per aggirare la finestra di avviso di Microsoft Defender su Windows. Se sai perché hai bisogno di TeleGuard, fai qualche clic extra quando lo installi per la prima volta dal sito ufficiale.

Quasi nessuno pensa al fatto che per la mancanza di una finestra di avviso di Microsoft Defender da parte di una fonte sconosciuta, lo sviluppatore deve pagare una bella somma a società di certificazione di terze parti, i cui prezzi e requisiti vengono regolarmente aumentati.

Sia Linux che Apple macOS forniscono strumenti simili gratuitamente e direttamente.

Un'alternativa all'acquisto di un certificato CodeSign sarebbe quella di ospitare l'applicazione sulla piattaforma Microsoft Store, che è indissolubilmente legata alla telemetria e alla raccolta dei dati utente di Windows.

In qualità di azienda indipendente che sviluppa software incentrato sulla privacy e sulla sicurezza online, lo consideriamo semplicemente un sistema creato artificialmente progettato per servire gli scopi di Microsoft e NON l'utente finale.

Sulla base di quanto sopra, abbiamo deciso di rifiutarci di acquistare “empty air” e di fornire TeleGuard “così com'è”, lasciando la scelta all'utente.

MS Windows (8.0+)

Per l’installazione sono disponibili due opzioni. L’installazione dallo Snap Store (consigliata), con il vantaggio dell’aggiornamento automatico, oppure l’installazione da un pacchetto deb con dipendenze esterne scaricato da posizioni pubbliche (in questo caso l’applicazione può essere aggiornata solo manualmente).

Get it from the Snap Store