Terms of use

Welcome to TeleGuard

Please read the following terms of use that apply to every visitor to the website https://teleguard.com (hereinafter called „TeleGuard“ or „website“). By using this website, you implicitly declare your consent to these terms of use. The owner of this website reserves the right to change, delete or supplement the information on this website at any time without prior notice.

§ 1 Scope

(1) The following conditions apply to the use of the website TeleGuard - hereinafter called „ TeleGuard“ or „website“. For the use of the website it is important that you as a user accept the following provisions. Registration and use of the website are free of charge.

(2) By registering, you agree to the terms of use of our website. With your consent, you guarantee us that you will not post anything that violates the terms of use.

§ 2 Contact details and legal information

If you have any questions about our website, you can contact us at:

Swisscows AG
Bucherstrasse 2
9322 Egnach
Email: info@swisscows.com

§ 3 Website availability

1. TeleGuard has an availability of 24 hours a day. However, there may be interruptions in availability due to maintenance that is required for the system. Interruptions in availability can occur due to force majeure or other causes for which TeleGuard is not responsible, such as willful intent or gross negligence.

2. TeleGuard points out:

  • that it is technically impossible to make the website available free of errors of any kind and that TeleGuard therefore assumes no responsibility for it,
  • that errors can lead to the website being temporarily switched off,
  • that the availability of this website is dependent on conditions and services outside the sphere of influence of TeleGuard, e.g. the transmission capacities and telephone connections between the individual parties. We accept no responsibility for any faults that fall into this area.

§ 4 Protection of personal data

The TeleGuard guideline for protecting the privacy of its users meets a very high level of requirements. TeleGuard does NOT collect any data, neither when using the search engine nor when using the user account.

Registration is limited to email address and password, so that no personal data is stored. Processing information requests and registering for certain services, such as TeleGuard, however, may require the provision of personal data such as surname, first name, contact details and email address. This data is collected and processed by TeleGuard in its capacity as the one responsible in accordance with the regulations for the protection of personal data and our data protection declaration.

The purpose of our privacy policy is to tell you how TeleGuard protects your privacy, in particular:

  • the purposes for which we collect some of your personal data and how we use it (e.g. responding to your request for information or application);
  • the security measures we use to protect your privacy;
  • the duration of storage of your data;
  • the rights you have to the personal data you have provided to us and their processing.

§ 5 Cookies and other tracking devices

We do NOT use cookies or other advertising media (pixels, fingerprints) when you use our website.

§ 6 Electronic communication

If you use a TeleGuard service or product, or send us emails, text messages or other messages from your computer or mobile device, you are communicating with us electronically. We will communicate with you electronically in various ways, e.g. via e-mails, text messages or the publication of electronic messages or other communication on our website or as part of other TeleGuard services. For contractual purposes, you agree to receive electronic communication from us and that all consents, notifications, publications and other communication that we communicate to you electronically do not require a written form, unless mandatory legal regulations require another form of communication.

§ 7 Copyright

All texts, images and other information and data published on our website are - unless otherwise stated - subject to the copyright of our site. Any form of reproduction and/or modification may only be carried out with our written approval. Otherwise we reserve the right to take legal action against this violation. All costs that are caused by a violation of the law by a user will be charged to the user.

§ 8 Right of modification

We have the right to change the terms of use at any time. The change will then be published in the forum entry on the website.

§ 9 Severability clause

These terms of use are to be regarded as part of our website from which reference is made to this page. If individual formulations of these terms of use are no longer completely or no longer fully compliant with the applicable legal situation, it can be assumed that the other provisions of the terms of use will remain.


Al descargar e instalar esta aplicación de la APK, acepta las condiciones de no presentar ninguna reclamación en caso de diferir la funcionalidad de la aplicación respecto de la de las páginas de descarga oficiales (Google Play y App Store). Asume también plena responsabilidad por la comprobación de la disponibilidad y la instalación de actualizaciones.

Tenga en cuenta que la instalación desde el APK no es compatible con la instalación desde Play Store. Esto significa que la aplicación solo se puede actualizar desde la misma fuente desde la que se instaló.

Además, al actualizar la aplicación a través de APK, recomendamos encarecidamente hacer copias de seguridad. En caso de cualquier problema, usted será capaz de volver a instalar la aplicación y restaurar los datos.

archivo APK


A partir de 2024, los desarrolladores tendrán que pagar aún más para evitar la ventana de advertencia de Microsoft Defender en Windows. Si sabe por qué necesita TeleGuard, haga algunos clics adicionales cuando lo instale por primera vez desde el sitio web oficial.

Casi nadie piensa en el hecho de que, debido a la falta de una ventana de advertencia de Microsoft Defender a través de una fuente desconocida, el desarrollador tiene que pagar una suma considerable a empresas de certificación de terceros, cuyos precios y requisitos aumentan periódicamente.

Tanto Linux como Apple macOS proporcionan herramientas similares de forma gratuita y directa.

Una alternativa a la compra de un certificado CodeSign sería alojar la aplicación en la plataforma Microsoft Store, que está indisolublemente ligada a la telemetría y la recopilación de datos de usuarios de Windows.

Como empresa independiente que desarrolla software centrado en la privacidad y la seguridad en línea, consideramos esto simplemente como un sistema creado artificialmente diseñado para servir a los propósitos de Microsoft y NO al usuario final.

Con base en lo anterior, decidimos negarnos a comprar "aire vacío" y proporcionar TeleGuard "tal cual", dejando la elección al usuario.

MS Windows (8.0+)

Hay dos opciones de instalación. Puede realizar la instalación a través de Snap Store (recomendada) con la ventaja de la actualización automática o desde un paquete deb con dependencias externas y descargado de repositorios públicos (en cuyo caso la aplicación sólo puede actualizarse manualmente).